Nigeria’s Hidden Gems: Discover 8 Captivating Wonders of Calabar

Prepare to be enchanted by the beauty, the history, and the warm hospitality of this remarkable city


Nestled along the serene Calabar River, the vibrant city of Calabar in Cross River State, Nigeria, is a true serendipity that beckons adventurous travellers from around the world. 


Calabar has different captivating destinations that offer a unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and cultural heritage that are sure to leave a lasting impression on all who behold them.


Whether one is drawn to the awe-inspiring natural wonders, the captivating historical sites, or the vibrant cultural experiences, Calabar is a destination that will leave an indelible mark on one’s heart and mind. 


Prepare to be enchanted by the beauty, the history, and the warm hospitality of this remarkable city.


Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary

Credit: Whitley Award

Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected area in Cross River State, Nigeria, established in 2000 to conserve endangered species such as the Cross River gorilla, Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, drill, and grey-necked rockfowl. The sanctuary is surrounded by 16 communities with a total population of approximately 27,000 people. The region is known for its rich biodiversity, with notable species such as the red river hog, bushbuck, Shelley’s eagle owl, African piculet, and migrating European barn swallows.


National Museum

Credit: Wikipedia

Step back in time at the National Museum in Calabar, a repository of invaluable artifacts and relics that tell the story of the region’s rich history. Established in 1959, the museum is housed in a former British governor’s house and presents unique artifacts and historical relics related to the slave trade, pre-colonial and colonial palm oil trade, and the local Efik culture. The museum is a valuable resource for learning about the region’s history and cultural legacy..


Marina Resort

Credit: Wikipedia

Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and indulge in the tranquility of the Marina Resort. Marina Resort is a recreational and historical destination in Calabar. It was built in 2007 by former governor Donald Duke to promote tourism in the state. 


The resort features a variety of attractions, including a slave history museum, cinema, restaurant, bar, and waterfront area. It is located on the site of a former slave port and aims to preserve the memory of the slave trade and its impact on the region. The resort has a range of facilities and activities, making it a fun and educational experience for visitors.

Agbokim Waterfalls

Credit: Atlas Obscura

Agbokim Waterfalls is a breathtaking natural attraction in Cross River State, Nigeria, near the Cameroon border. The waterfalls consist of seven cascading streams that plunge over a high cliff into a lush tropical rainforest below, creating a thunderous sound and sometimes stunning rainbows. 


While relatively remote compared to other Nigerian sites, Agbokim Waterfalls is a popular destination for nature lovers seeking to hike to the falls and observe the diverse flora and fauna of the surrounding area. Though lacking direct accommodation, the waterfalls can be visited from the nearby towns, offering an exclusive and serene experience to witness this natural wonder.


Obudu Mountain Resort

Credit: Wikipedia

Obudu Mountain Resort is a ranch and resort located on the Obudu Plateau in Cross River State, Nigeria. The resort offers a range of accommodations, including chalets, standard rooms, and executive suites, and provides various recreational activities such as horseback riding, golfing, hiking, and swimming. 


Visitors can also enjoy the cable car ride to the top of the plateau, which offers stunning views. The resort has a semi-temperate mountain climate, making it a great destination during the cooler months. With its natural beauty, scenic views, and recreational activities, Obudu Mountain Resort is a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique and memorable experience.


Tinapa Resort

Credit: Business day

Tinapa Resort in Calabar, Nigeria is a business and leisure resort located near the Calabar River, contiguous with the Calabar Free Trade Zone. 


The resort was developed in four phases under a Private Public Partnership (PPP) promoted by the Government of Cross River State. 


It features facilities for retail and wholesale activities, an entertainment strip with a casino, digital cinema, and restaurants, an artificial tidal lake, a water park, and a 243-room international three-star hotel. 


Kwa Falls

Credit: OU Travel and Tour

Kwa Falls is a spectacular waterfall located in the Oban division of the Cross River National Park, about 25 kilometers from Calabar on a good rural road. 


The falls cascade down resistant basement rocks and are surrounded by a typical tropical mangrove forest of Mahogany, Ebony, and Spruce trees. 


The waterfall has a well-arranged staircase of 234 steps from the plane down to the rest place of the cloudy waters. The nearby Kwa River Sand Beach is recommended for an afternoon’s peaceful relaxation. 


Duke town

Credit: Wikimedia

Duke Town is a historic city-state in Calabar, Nigeria, that was a major center of the Atlantic slave trade and an important hub of trade in goods like palm oil, ivory, and beeswax. 


Founded by the Efik people, Duke Town is home to significant landmarks like the Duke Town Church and Mary Slessor’s House, which reflect the town’s rich cultural heritage. 


Duke Town remains an important tourist destination that allows visitors to explore its storied past and traditional Efik architecture and festivals, making it a symbol of Nigeria’s diverse cultural legacy.


With its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and exciting activities, Calabar is an ideal destination for tourists seeking a memorable experience in Nigeria.


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