- Enoch Oyedibu
- Erectile Dysfunction
The short answer is yes—it can seriously damage relationships and here are the reasons.
Understandably, when a man is impotent, there would be a lot of pressure on his relationship. Nothing stops that. This is because sex is the ultimate romantic activity that helps a couple to establish deep connections between each other and have an intimately pleasure. Though, there are other romantic activities, it is undebatable that one of the activities that sustains a relationship is sex. This is the reason, the message about erectile dysfunction must be clearly defined, learnt and avoided.
Erectile dysfunction is as a result of constant decrease of closeness in an intimate relationship with a sexual partner. This can impact the emotional health of both individuals involved and drastically affect their libidos so much that it kills their chances to have the urge for sex.
The result of erectile dysfunction reduces intimacy in a relationship and in another sense, sends the mild feelings to the court of coma. It is described as ongoing trouble in attaining and sustaining an erection that is suitable for sexual intercourse. Medical reasons are typically the cause of erectile dysfunction, although psychological factors can also be a contributing factor.
Several men sometimes struggle to get an erection due to factors like excessive alcohol consumption, stress, relationship issues, or extreme fatigue. Nonetheless, research suggests that approximately 10% of adult males experience erectile dysfunction consistently.
While no single remedy can stop having issues in relationships, becoming stressed or having extreme fatigues; it is essential to know that in order to address erectile dysfunction, couples can work together to manage it by trying the following strategies:
Deep understanding of erectile dysfunction
Healthcare professionals such as doctors and therapists are able to assist couples in controlling the condition and gaining understanding of available treatment methods. So, couples can approach them for the knowledge and how to improve their statuses in bed.
What is the biological process of achieving a penile erection?
Erectile dysfunction may be due to issues in any part of the erection process. Increased blood flow to the penis causes an erection. Either sexual thoughts or direct contact can typically stimulate blood flow. Eating some fruits that help blood flow and engaging in foreplay before the actual bed deal can highly be helpful at this point.
What is the main reason behind erectile dysfunction?
There are many reasons that can lead to erectile dysfunction. Most of these reasons can be vascular disease like atherosclerosis, neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis; mental conditions, like stress, depression, lack of brain stimulation, and performance anxiety and Injury.
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