- Judith Akatugba
There are so many diets, different weight loss fads, new tricks, and pills for losing weight. All promise to be revolutionary and all will create a new you.
Years ago, trans fat, a dangerous, man-made lipid found in margarine, was thought to be healthier than regular fats. By the mid-90s, public health journals revealed the opposite to be true. If scientists sometimes get it wrong, it is safe to say that understanding the nuances of
nutrition can be tricky and hard to follow. Sometimes. the best way to lose weight is to ignore trends and fly-by-night advice and focus on healthy eating strategies. When delivering wellness seminars, one thing I consistently go on about is Healthy Habits. Develop healthy habits, and stick to them, and no matter what nutrition blunders you might make, you’ll still keep yourself on the road to a slim and sexy physique.
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Beyond that, being a disciplined person with good habits translates to success.
Habit 1: Eat an early dinner. Recent studies on obesity have found that adults who regularly eat after 8 p.m. ingested the most calories and carried the most body fat. The secret here is to stop eating 3 hours before you hit the sack. That way, your body is better primed to burn fat instead of creating more while you sleep.
Habit 2: Reward yourself. Once you’ve established a healthy routine, you need to establish a reward system. Think of a land of milk and honey after a journey of tedium. You can’t stay on a repetitive diet without some form of reward. A great way to stick to a low-calorie diet without breaking down into rebellious binge mode is to reward yourself with a small dessert twice a week. Pick a food you love and treat yourself to a portion of about 200 calories. But remember, you only get the reward if you deserve it.
Habit 3: Read diet and exercise tips. People exposed to nutrition and exercise advice are more likely to make smarter diet and lifestyle choices.
Habit 4: Eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast regularly makes you 4.5 times more likely to be obese. I mean, they don’t call it the most important meal of the day for nothing, eating a nutritious morning meal jumpstarts your metabolism and prevents you from overindulging throughout the day. For optimal weight-loss results, choose a breakfast dish with a healthy balance of protein and fibre, like eggs with fruit and whole-wheat toast. Way too many people I know think it’s okay to skip breakfast…it’s not.
Habit 5: Take snack breaks. Snacking sometimes gets bad press, but planning nutritious snacks throughout your day can keep you skinny. Healthy snacking keeps your blood sugar from spiking, preventing hunger pangs, cravings, and body fat storage. The ideal snack choice? Nuts. Skip the meat pies.
Habit 6: Drink water. 60% of your body is water, which makes it vital to every important metabolic process. A study had subjects drink two glasses of water before each meal and found that those subjects lost 30% more body fat over 12 weeks. Making beverage blunders is one of the easiest ways to gain belly fat. Replace half of what you drink with water and see the benefits for yourself.
Habit 7: Choose whole grains. Choosing nutrient-rich whole grains over processed, white flour-based products can play a major role in keeping you lean. The healthy dose of fibre helps slow digestion, keeping you fuller longer. But do not be fooled by “made with whole-grain” labels. True whole grain products will list whole grains first on their ingredients list.
Habit 8: Eat spicy food. Eating a spicy appetiser before a meal can make you eat significantly less than someone eating a non-spicy appetiser. Why? A chemical compound called capsaicin, found in chilli peppers, acts as an appetite suppressant. That and spicy food can just be plain tough to eat. It’s common in this neck of the woods, but I struggle with spicy stuff, and I know I’m not alone.
Habit 9: Sleep for 6 to 8 hours each night. Getting a good night’s sleep has been linked to a host of major health benefits, not the least of which is maintaining a healthy body weight. Lack of sleep has been shown to increase appetite, lower willpower, and bolster cravings for high-calorie foods.
Habit 10: Manage stress. Dealing with work/relationship-related stress can lead to weight gain. When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol, a hormone that promotes abdominal fat storage. Try incorporating stress-reducing activities into your day, join a yoga class or go for a jog.
Habit 11: Take the stairs. Most of us are aware that formal exercise is a key component in maintaining a healthy weight, but simple choices like taking the stairs can be just as important if you want to stay trimmed. Make the most of your work day by walking to lunch or skipping email in favour of short walks to deliver messages to coworkers. (As a bonus, you’ll make your face more recognizable around the office.)
Habit 12: Walk after meals. Light, post-meal exercise, like walking, can lower your blood sugar and prevent your body from storing fat. Don’t have time for a walk? Not a problem. As long as you keep moving after you eat, you will reap similar benefits. Even doing the dishes or completing other household tasks can help.
Live long and prosper.