- Enoch Oyedibu
- Smarter People
Intelligent persons understand what they say and take in what it means, including the unexpressed fears, desires, and ideas behind what they’re saying.
It is often said that intelligence takes many different forms – crystallized intelligence, which is the level of knowledge one has, and fluid intelligence, which is the ability to understand complex reasoning processes and concepts. But how can one tell if one is mentally sharper than the average person? Here are some signs to look for:
1. Modest about One’s Intelligence
Extremely smart people tend to underestimate their intelligence. They feel like they’re smart but don’t think they’re all that smart, chances are that they may be smarter than what they realise. This is known as the Dunning-Kruger syndrome.
2. An intense curiosity and desire to learn more
Extremely intelligent people have a keen sense of wonder about life and learning new information. This speaks to fluid intelligence, the capacity to understand and comprehend new concepts, ideas, and systems. One might always want to know more and are never satisfied with easy answers or cliches.
3. Probably Started Reading at an Early Age
Reading is a type of verbal intelligence that relates directly to mental ability. When one has a sharper mind than others, reading comes easy to such a person. Psychological studies show that starting reading early correlates with high intelligence.
4. Active Listening Practice
Active listening is a key attribute of the highly intelligent man or woman. An intelligent person is willing and able to hear what someone is saying as well as listen between the lines. Intelligent persons understand what they say and take in what it means, including the unexpressed fears, desires, and ideas behind what they’re saying.
5. Tackle Problems in Unique Ways
A key sign that a person is intelligent and mentally sharper than most other people is that the person has unique problem-solving abilities. One tackles challenges from different angles and sees things in ways others don’t at first.
6. One Has A Sharp Memory
Memory and mental acuity go hand-in-hand. If an intelligent person recalls specific details of people, situations, conversations, and locales, such a person is likely much smarter than most other individuals. You have a highly specific memory and take in every small detail.
7. Small Talk Bores
A smarter person has minimal tolerance for small talk. If people are talking about shallow cultural trends and narratives, such a person is often bored to the point of nausea. The smartest people often hate small talk the most.
8. One has body Intelligence
Mental sharpness doesn’t only extend to the mind but also to the body. This type of intelligence, known as bodily-kinesthetic, relates to one’s mental ability to correlate one’s body movements with one’s mental decisions and intentions.
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