- Enoch Oyedibu
- Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
Darren Hardy, the author of many inspirational books and publisher of Success Magazine, wrote a book titled: The Compound Effect. The book, Hardy said, is full of strategies to “Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life and Your Success.” And it’s on this precipice, this article is written to jumpstart readers’ income, life and success.
Interestingly, phenomenal people in the world today want success and while the word, “success” is always nearer to their lips, the activities of success are always very far from their lives. In the process, when they’re unable to get the success they desire. They get frustrated, thinking they are not destined for it. But this is wrong. We are all made for success. If we’re not achieving anything, it means we’re not doing something differently. And like it was stated in Rhonda Byne’s Laws of Attraction, we need to do something differently to attract success.
Success is constant. Success is everywhere. Success is magnetic. Anyone can be successful. But the issue is not anyone or everyone is willing to do what it takes to be a successful person. In James Allen’s book “As A Man Thinketh,” far away from the religious discussions, Allen was able to legitimately explain that what makes a successful man is his “thoughts,”–his mindsets. This thought is not just about himself, it is about how he sees himself, about what he thinks of himself, about what he thinks of his environment, his country, his duties and all.
One of the popular African proverbs says that the sayings of the wise, the truth when said by thousands of people, will constantly remain the same. Truth is unbending, unchanging and infallible. Perhaps, on this, it is worthy to note that many other globally inspiring authors have written thousands of books on the fortification of man’s thoughts–emphasising that it is the beginning of his falling or rising. Napoleon Hill spent all his life writing about man’s thoughts, advising that man needs to think rightly for himself and the society he belongs to get it right. One of the arguments and statements of facts, Hill stressed in his book “Outwitting the Devil,” was that man is the creator of his reality. So, if a man thinks cancer, he gets it. If he thinks of opportunities, he gets them.
In the Kyballion, written by the Three Initiates, it was quoted that everything is “mental.” Meaning whatever one thinks, the universe, which is made to constantly obey one’s thoughts and bring to reality whatever one thinks of, will make it happen. In the philosophical novel of Paulo Coelho titled The Alchemist, the author, through a persona in the story wrote “And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” This culminates in the use of one’s thoughts, one’s rightful mental state to achieve one’s desired outcomes.
However, while that one being said, one cannot achieve the desired outcomes alone with thoughts. One’s thoughts only come into play to align with whatever activities one is engaging in to bring the fruition of one’s desires. In this way, it is essential to note that positivity of mind is not enough to achieve success. One needs to be optimistic by engaging in activities that align with one’s desires. This is where Darren Hardy’s Compound Effect comes in.
In the book, Hardy made a list of six proven principles that helped him in making his Success Magazine a success. These principles were what Hardy recommended for a chunk of business owners whom he mentored to achieve success in their businesses. These principles are golden, because they align with the points authors of Success, as a topic, have written over the years. They are truth-proven as, even, this writer has used them in many ways. Here are the golden principles, enjoy:
The Compound Effect in Action
- The Compound Effect in Action: Hardy opened the first line of the book with a “Slow and steady wins the race,” quote. This quote is essentially the concept of compound effect. It is best understood as an action done repetitively over the years, compounded to become a success afterwards. This compound effect stresses that success is not a happenstance achievement. Anyone who achieves success today has done the work probably decades back. A professional footballer today does not just arrive at the position of a professional, he started as a novice. This first principle helps one to never shy away from one’s little beginning because, at the sniff of consistency, such a little beginning will skyrocket to a success never seen.
- Choices: This is another part that everyone needs to be aware of. Many who don’t know this, make choices anyhow they wish. But it is important to know that our choices shape our reality. That the reader is reading this article currently, is a choice. The reader sees the notification and loves the headline. It probably resonates with his/her current intent, then makes a choice and clicks on the link. And now, the reader is here. The choice such a reader makes, reading this will impact his/her life and surely, he will be enlightened and never remain the same. Ask, if he had not chosen to read, well, the answer is still in the reader. This analogy is to explain how choices shape our reality. So, the question is not to make a choice, because we always will. The question is when making choices (that shape our reality) let’s make the right choice. Making the right choice is what many don’t do. This is why the investment money disappears, there’s a broken home or relationship, businesses collapse, and one would think, one is a failure. No. Choices matter and making the right choice is essential.
- Habits: One’s choices shape one’s habits. Once the right choice is made, the right habit will be formed. That right habit then will lead one to the next stage of the principle which is…
- Momentum: This is a certain level one attains beyond the pull of gravity. It is called escape velocity. This is a point where one’s choices become constantly right and one’s habits become frequently in line, leaving one to have predicted successful outcomes. According to Hardy, it is called the “Big Mo.” One can’t see it but one knows one has achieved it when it comes. Big Mo catapults one to the stratosphere of success and once one is there, there is absolutely nothing that can pull anyone out. This is what Hill called “Hypnotic Rhythm.”
- Influences: Although a man is responsible for every choice he makes, choices, habits and behaviours are influenced by some external forces. But many are not aware of this subtle control of these forces on our lives. For a man to sustain a positive trajectory toward his goals, he will need to understand and govern these influences so they will support rather than derail his journey to success. This brings about cutting down unprofitable associations and taking on profitable ones that align with one’s goal.
- Acceleration: After all is said and done, a man is already prepared for success. The position of speed is attained and all blockages have been made smooth. Even at this stage, if challenges set in again, such a man has been fortified enough to not be unruffled and forge ahead. Godspeed, activated. Success achieved.
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